
Showing posts from November, 2013


"With great risk may come great rewards or even greater disappointments."   I don't know

Quien no estuviere en presencia- Jorge Manrique

Quien no estuviere en presencia, no tenga fe en confianza, pues son olvido y mudanza las condiciones de ausencia. Quien quisiere ser amado, trabaje por ser presente, que cuan presto fuere ausente, tan presto será olividado: y pierda toda esperanza quien no estuviere en presencia, pues son olvido y mudanza las condiciones de ausencia. Jorge Manrique

The sleep of virtue

“When virtue has slept, she will get up more refreshed.” Nietzsche

The artist’s sense of truth

“Regarding truths, the artist has a weaker morality than the thinker. He definitely does not want to be deprived of the splendid and profound interpretations of life, and he resists sober, simple methods and results. Apparently he fights for the higher dignity and significance of man; in truth, he does not want to give up the most effective presuppositions of his art: the fantastic, mythical, uncertain, extreme, the sense for the symbolic, the overestimation of the person, the faith in some miraculous element in the genius. Thus he considers the continued existence of his kind of creation more important than scientific devotion to the truth in every form, however plain.” Nietzsche

My utopia

“In a better arrangement of society hard labor and troubles of life will be meted out to those who suffer least from them; hence, to the most obtuse, and then step by step, up to those who are most sensitive to the highest and most sublimated kinds of suffering and who thus still suffer when life is made easiest.” Nietzsche